Recall Ratio

美 [rɪˈkɔːl ˈreɪʃioʊ]英 [rɪˈkɔːl ˈreɪʃiəʊ]
  • 网络查全率;召回率
Recall RatioRecall Ratio
  1. Study of the Relationship between Recall Ratio and Hit Record Set


  2. It provides an essential condition for the research on the relations between recall ratio and precision ratio .


  3. Analysis of the Recall Ratio and Precision Ratio in Two Chinese Searching Journals


  4. As experiments show , the method has high precision ratio and recall ratio . 3 .


  5. Approach to the Raising of Recall Ratio and Precision Ratio in Retrieving Research Achievements


  6. A Tentative Study on Principles and Methods of Measuring Recall Ratio & Pertinency Ratio


  7. The experiment results show that the recall ratio is 84.79 percent and precision ratio 91.46 percent .


  8. Experiment results show that this method can improve precision ratio to a certain extent , but recall ratio greatly .


  9. Conclusion The information search system utilizing the presented model is believed to have higher accurate ratio and recall ratio .


  10. Semi-controlled indexing : an important method to improve the recall ratio of dissertations


  11. Music signal recognition tests show a 10 % percent precision improvement with ( 1.1 % ) recall ratio improvement .


  12. Compared with the other citation index in China , CMCI has some unique functions and higher recall ratio .


  13. Experiment results prove that this system can improve recall ratio and precision ratio effectively and then attain a satisfying personal retrieving effect .


  14. Assemble model can draw components of retrieval system precisely , it can also be used to account recall ratio , and precision ratio .


  15. In this paper , the regularity of hit record set and recall ratio in retrieval queries is studied with a specific retrieval example .


  16. The query expansion technique can resolve the defects brought by keyword matching query technology , and improve the recall ratio and precision ratio .


  17. Eliminates the flaws of k value is set too low caused precision ratio or too high leads to lower the rate of recall ratio .


  18. A large number of simulation experimentsshowthat this method can improve the speed of Chinese word segmentation and the recall ratio and precision ratio of information .


  19. The method sufficiently considers the horizon related feature of characters in grad image , which gets a better recall ratio in the experiment .


  20. With the information explosion on Web , the traditional keyword-based search engines cannot meet users ' demand for recall ratio and precision any more .


  21. Experiment verifies that this method which sure the location firstly and query knowledge secondly improve the semantic routing efficiently , recall ratio , precision ratio and expansibility .


  22. CONCLUSIONS : The literatures indexed in the 3 databases have their own characteristics , thus literature recall ratio can only be improved by combining multiple databases .


  23. The main purpose of the research on Web Services Discovery is to increase the search efficiency ( such as recall ratio and precision ratio ) and to realize the discovery automation .


  24. At the same time , the topic network contains semantic information of images and visual information of images , so it can greatly improve precision and recall ratio of the image retrieval .


  25. The traditional service discovery technology uses keywords or the framework-based model to match and find required services . However , the precision and the recall ratio of them are low .


  26. The recall ratio can be improved while maintaining a high level precision , reduce multiplex cost and improve the quality of reusable , provide effective support for reusable software components . 4 .


  27. Experimental result shows that recall ratio and precision ratio can attain a higher level by which a new way is exploited for information hiding technology , and application field of speech retrieval is enlarged .


  28. A semantic Web service personalized selection algorithm ( SWSPS ) based on ML-QoS ontology was proposed and it outperformed traditional algorithms in the recall ratio and precision ratio .


  29. Finally , this paper builds the SVM construction . By testing 1 000 sentences with the SVM constructed , the ideal result of 69.6 % accuracy and 67.8 % recall ratio is obtained .


  30. The problem to build and then map onto the connection between resource spaces , which is improving the accuracy and recall ratio of locating resources , needs to be solved in RSM .
